Championship Caliber Teamwork

Do you have a championship caliber team at your place of business?  If you have anything but this, you need to read this article.  Because what I want you to know is that having an amazing environment at work is possible.  You can have people lined up at your door to come and work for you. And better yet, you can have good people NEVER want to leave because of the culture you can build.  It’s possible.  I’ve seen it happen over and over and over again.

So what does it require to create this type of extraordinary team?  Well Scott Hunter says it best in opening chapter of his book Unshackled Leadership, Building Businesses Based on Faith, Trust, Possibility and Abundance…  “After 20+ years of working in and observing organizations of every type and size, I have noticed a theme all successful ones share.  They have enthusiastic, confident, optimistic, appreciative and happy people who work together on behalf of a future they have all committed themselves to.”

Is this your team?  Chances are you answer to that question is no.  Mostly people are not inspired by their work.  They live for the weekends or their time off.  People don’t feel appreciated or valued.  They don’t feel that they are an integral part of something.  They are going through the motions.

Statistics show that 55% of American workers report being extremely unhappy with, or even hating their jobs.  Is this your team?  Only 6% of American workers report loving their jobs.  These are pretty grim facts, giving the amount of time, effort, energy, and life blood that we give to work.  Do you realize how much unhappiness is costing us at work?  It’s estimated that it cost American companies 300 million dollars a year in stress-related claims.  That’s about $7500 per employee-just for being unhappy!!!  And add to that the cost of absenteeism, turn-over, lack of productivity and creativity and the cost is into the trillions.  What’s it costing you?

Can this be turned around?  Absolutely!  You can have an extraordinary team.  You can be an amazing leader.  Most of the time leaders of an organization don’t know what to do to create this type of team.  Our current thinking can only get us so far in life.  This is why it is extremely valuable to have a coach.  Just like any sports team or Olympic athlete has a coach to coach them to their championship, businesses are the same.  They require a coach to coach them to their championship, whatever that may be for them.  Consider the possibility that there is much that you don’t know that you don’t know about people, success, and teamwork.  And how important would it be for you to get some additional skills to make your work environment be one like I mentioned above?

For more information about this type of coaching, visit

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